In August, I’m taking you back to a time when we rented Nintendo tapes, Sega was giving Nintendo a run for its money, bracelets slapped on, pants snapped up the side and game news came from magazines. Every Friday in August I’m going to be looking at a game every Friday that could only exist in the glorious time I grew up in, the 90’s. I’ve assembled a series of games from properties probably long forgotten that had no trouble getting games based on them made two decades ago. Here’s what you can expect:

1) AUGUST 7TH: BUCKY O’HARE (NES) – Though based on a comic book that launched in the 80’s, Bucky O’Hare probably came to most people’s attention thanks to the 90’s animated series and toy line. Of course, who could forget the amazing theme song.

2) AUGUST 14TH: THE TICK (SNES) – Much like the first game of the month, The Tick got his start in the a decade earlier from the 90’s, but rose in popularity due in part to the Fox Kids animated series of the same name. Unlucky Bucky O’Hare however, The Tick didn’t get as lucky with his first and only gaming outing.

3) AUGUST 21ST: TIMECOP (SNES) – Cryo Interactive, those who brought us the lovely Hellboy: Asylum Seeker, once again bring another Dark Horse property into the video game world, in a game that’s has to almost be seen to be believed.

4) AUGUST 28TH: JIM LEE’S WILDC.A.T.S: COVERT ACTION TEAM – From short lived 90’s publisher Playmates Interactive of Earthworm Jim fame comes the game based on Jim Lee’s Image Covert Action Team.


Do to me finding a copy locally, I’ve decided to add a fifth game to 90’s month: THQ’s Danger Girl based on the late 90’s comic by J.Scott Campbell and Andy Hartnell. With the fifth game now added, things have been moved up and will now look as follows:

AUGUST 3RD: Bucky O’Hare, AUGUST 10TH: The Tick, AUGUST 17TH: Timecop, AUGUST 24TH: Jim Lee’s WildC.A.T.S, AUGUST 31ST: Danger Girl.

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